Private English Lessons for Professionals


社長コラム過去ログ No.1 〜 No.10




社長コラム過去ログ 1 〜 10
社長コラム過去ログ 11 〜 20
社長コラム過去ログ 21 〜 30
社長コラム過去ログ 31 〜 40
No.10 2003年09月01日 David Fogel and Nikkei WOMAN Magazine

David Fogel is now in Japan! I picked him up at Narita Airport today and guess what? I took him to Nikkei WOMAN Magazine's office here in Aoyama. This is a very interesting story. Last week, I talked to one of the editorial staff of Nikkei WOMAN and she told me that she was looking for someone who can comment on how to convey delicate emotional thoughts in Englsih especially in a romantic situation. She wanted to created a list for Japanese career woman who wants to date foreign men which includes "You can take these phrases seriously" or "Be careful with these pick-up lines!! Men are trying to take advantage of you!!"

Since I knew David was coming to Tokyo, I thought it was great to have him comment on this. So I picked him up at Narita Airport today and took him directly to Nikkei Home Publishing's office. They interviewed David for an hour and a half. David did a terrific job! I also got some help from Narra and Michael in creating the list. Narra's one was sooooooo funny! This is going to be published on October 7th. They will also feature us as a new style eikaiwa school. I can't wait!! I have posted the picture I took during the interview below.

On 9/3(WED), I will take him to Miyazaki Hayao Museum in Mitaka. He is a big fan of "Princess Mononoke" and seems to like "KODAMA." I hope we can find some "KODAMA" goods there.

David Fogel

No.9 2003年08月19日 サイト・リニューアル





No.8 2003年08月16日 New Teacher: Theodore (ADAM) Murphy
Just got off the phone with Adam, our new registered teacher. He has a very interesting background. He worked as a US Navy Journalist for 5 years. He was mainly responsible for the "NAVY NEWS" though he told me he did some radio brodcasting and TV production. He is now going back to school (at age 38!) to get his teaching degree. He wants to become a public school teacher at a elemetary school. now. He is a very mature person and I am happy to have him on board with us. Please try him out!!

No.7 2003年08月13日 帰国子女は映画字幕をみているか




No.6 2003年08月08日 Lois Hall & Ilan Sandberg
WOW! It's been over a week since I wrote the last column. I apologize.... For the past week, I had talked to two new teachers: Lois Hall & Ilan Sandberg. Lois is Amy's mother. She sounded a little nervous first, but sounded like a really nice lady. Very mature and professional. I think she has a very unique background working mainly in the human resources department in a US corporation. She also has a pretty strong medical background, processing medical transcription. I think she would be a great asset to us! She might be a little nervous first, but I assure you she is a warm hearted and talented teacher!

Ilan Sandberg is an interesting person too. He is now a PhD candidate majoring in Philosophy. He is also a part time teacher for GRE, GMAT, LSAT test preparation. These three tests are similar to "センターテスト” in Japan. GRE is for graduate schools (excluding MBA), GMAT for MBAs, LSAT for undergraduate schools. The funny thing is, he was called "Inoki" in Japan. Why? Please ask him in person. A big hint is... quoting from the conversation that we had: "If you look at my picture, you'll know." Please look forward to talking to him!!

I am trying to add in five more teachers this month. The backgrounds of the teachers are: businessman, systems cordinator, kinesiology specialist, biology high school teacher and journalist. I would like to continue adding teachers with various backgrounds. Please contact me at if you have any specific teacher you want me to find. I will do best to accomodate your request.

No.5 2003年07月29日 MANABI.st通信「先生インタビューリレー」

MANABI.st通信「先生インタビューリレー」で次回取り上げますDavid Fogel先生と電話インタビューをし、たった今電話を切りました。約1時間半、みっちりと話しました。今回David先生を何で取り上げたかといいますと以前、ちょっとしたことで電話で話したときに「この人ハートがありそうだな」と感じたからです。空き時間とかはいい割には余り生徒がついておらず、プロフィールとかでうまく人間性が伝わっていないのかなと感じた為、これを機会に是非彼を売り出したいと思った次第です。1時間半もじっくりと話し、彼の価値観を深く探り出せたのではないかと思います。やはり彼には「ハート」があります。「子供がすくすく育つような、より暮らしやすい、町を作る」というのが彼の夢で、それに向かって一生懸命生きている人です。あの写真からは想像できませんね(笑)。



No.4 2003年07月24日 Interview with Mainichi Career Navi

Today, I was interviewed by Mainichi Career Navi ( This is a job search engine for people who wish to switch jobs. The reason why they wanted to interview me was because they wanted to feature MBA holders and have the holders talk about the value of the US MBA education. This was a 1.5 hour interview. They asked me my entire career progression to date starting from undergrad.

Did I try to advertise about I don't know how much they will write about us but they asked many questions about our service and seemed to like it!! The article will be broken into 3 to 4 parts and it will be displayed at their top page. I hope many MBA applicants and people who with to prepare for an interview to work for a foreign firm will test out our service. They haven't told me when it will be up and running but they said that they will need around 2 weeks to write the article. I hope to keep you posted about this!

After the interview, a "KOUHAI" of mine who went to the same business school visited our office. He is currently working for his uncle's firm called LABERUBI (らべるびぃ). This is a very interesting start-up firm ( where they check your mineral balance by examining some pieces of your hair. You need to send in the root of your hair and they will check what's wrong with you. According to my KOUHAI, since Japanese eat a lot of fish contaminated with mercury, its mineral balance is pretty bad. This is one of the main reasons for depression where over 15 million Japanese is said to be suffering from. I had submitted my "hair" a week ago so I'll make sure to report the results. Stay tuned!!

No.3 2003年07月22日 Lisa Sensei事件及びAmyの母親

今回は皆様に大変ご迷惑をお掛けしましたLisa Senseiについての話をします。Lisa Senseiはつい先日弊社のシステムに先生として登場したばかりでしたが、残念ながら1週間足らずして弊社のシステムを一時的に去ることになりました。やはり生徒の皆様に常に評価されているというのはどの先生にとってもものすごいプレッシャーみたいですね。特にはじめのつまずきは取り返しのつかない状況になってしまうことを改めて感じました。Lisa Senseiは私個人、本当に話しやすく、第2のNarra/Janetとして大変期待していたので本当にショックが大きかったです。。。

今まで60人を超える先生がMANABI.stの先生として登録したのですが現在生き延びている(!?)先生はその半分もいません。そう考えると初期メンバーのJanet/Lisa Wechsler/Julia/Cathy/Sayuri/Matt/Lizの7人はすごいな〜となんだか尊敬してしまいます。生徒の皆様の厳しい評価に勝ち残るのは至難の業ですね!でもやはりこれくらい厳しい競争がないと全体のレベルが上がっていかないと思いますので引き続き、厳しく評価してくださいね!


My mother would be a great candidate! She's available at all of your peak
times and has tons of experience talking with non-native English speakers
on the telephone through her work with an international company. She's also
visited Japan, knows a little conversational Japanese and had a Japanese
pen pal for over 15 years!


No.2 2003年07月20日 Conference call with a new teacher Dominique

Remember we had a new teacher called Stephenie two months ago? She was a Mental Health Therapist and I was happy to finally have someone with a medical backgroud on board with us. But before even conducting a lesson with our students, she backed out and said that she wasn't interested in teaching any more. I was pretty disappointed about this and was looking for another therapist. Guess what? We now have another therapist!! Her name is Dominique and I just got off the phone with her.

She was a JET teacher in Gumma-ken. Students from Gumma, please talk with her!! About my impression... Yes, she definitely sounds like a therapist!! She is not a active "genki" type like Janet or Narra but rather more of a Jennifer or Julia type who, I think, are great listeners. I can assure you all that she will ease your daily anxietie. If you can talk about your stress in English, your English communication skills are for real!! Please try it out.

She will be up there as our teacher very soon. Tanoshimini shiteite kudasai-ne!

No.1 2003年07月18日 新任先生Amyとの会話及びSayurの突然の訪問

なんともあわただしい一日でした。まず午前11時ごろに今回新しくMANABI.stの先生として登録しましたAmyと約1時間半話し、"How to become a successful teacher"についてたっぷりとレクチャーをしました。AmyはNarraのJET時代、共に秋田県で教えていた友人です。JanetがNicoleを紹介し、NicoleがMaiを紹介、今度はNarraがAmyをと、結構最近多いです。そういえばこれは全くの偶然だったのですが、NarraとLisaもJET時代からの友人だったようです。まだまだあります。実はSayuri先生とMatt先生はJETROのニューヨークオフィスで先月まで机を並べて仕事をしていたみたいで、本当に人のつながりって面白いですよね!

さて、Amyと話した印象をいいますとさすがNarraの友達だけありまして元気いっぱいの先生です。私がビジネススクールでバージニアのシャーロッツビル市に留学していた同時期に彼女もシャーロッツビルに住んでいたこともあり、地元ネタで大変盛り上がりました。現在妊娠しており、12月にFirst Babyを予定しているそうです。皆様、是非トライしてみてくださいね。



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