第 1 回 Thinking About Your MBA Essays
特集:元アドミニが教える TOP 校合格術 > Thinking About Your MBA Essays
■Carol Grayson 先生

INSEAD と Columbia Business School の Admissions Officer として長年活躍し、現在は Columbia Business School の Outside Career Consultant として MBA 学生相手に履歴書の作成や面接の指導を行なっています。また、MANABI.st では MBA Applicant 向けに Essay、Resume、Interview のカウンセラーとして活躍しています。
Applying to B-school is so hard already, with GMATs to take, essays to write, online applications to fill out, recommenders to chase down (oh, and of course all this while you are working full time!) What you choose to write about in your essays is so important, so with that in mind I would like to offer up some general tips to start thinking about now!!
- Your essays need to be about YOU, the candidate, not your present employer. A common mistake among Japanese candidates is that they highlight the achievements and/or struggles of their company and talk little about themselves. As a former B school admissions officer, these are the essays that end up in the garbage the fastest.
- Start keeping track of your experiences, both professional and extracurricular, in terms of leadership. ALL B-schools will require an essay in one form or another highlighting leadership experience.
- Think about your post MBA goal-why is it so important to you? Even if you are company sponsored, a school wants to hear why you want to return to your former employer with new skills in hand.
- Finally, work with a Manabi counselor who will push you. Your essays need to be personal and compelling; if the process of thinking about topics is easy your essays are not insightful enough.