Private English Lessons for Professionals


他の生徒さんはどんなレッスンをしているの? > 第 1 回 Yoko さん (Lisa 先生)

Lisa 先生 このレッスンは 2 人の欧米人 (Brian と Eda) のペットに関するディスカッションを教材に行われています。Brain は最近ペットに服を着せたり、贅沢な食事を与えたり、豪華医療保険にかけたりとちょっと行き過ぎではないか、ペットにこれくらいなことをするなら難民の子供を養子にした方が世の為に役立つとEdaに主張します。Eda はペットに対する親交・献身・愛から得られる価値は何事にも変えがたいと反論します。


上記議論を通じて Lisa 先生は 5 つの質問を準備しました。このレッスンはこの 5 つの質問をベースに進めらています。

  1. So what is your feeling? Are pets indeed overprotected?
  2. What do you see as the pros and cons to owning a pet?
  3. Do you agree with Brian that there are a lot of irresponsible pet owners?
  4. How do you feel about pet owners who buy doggie clothes for their pets and take their dogs to special pet restaurants?
  5. Do you agree with Brian that with all the money pet owners spend on pets they would be better off spending that money on adopting a child in a developing country or on donating money to help train seeing-eye dogs?


レッスン後の Lisa 先生からのフィードバックです。

Dear Yoko,

It was wonderful to speak with you today. Your ability to express your opinions in English is very impressive! Because of your advanced ability, we were able to get into depth on this fascinating topic. Here are a few points of feedback from our lesson:

I asked you the question, what do you see as the pros and cons to owning a pet? As we discussed, pros are positive points and cons are negative points. I thought you made a great point that sometimes pet owners have to sacrifice travel plans, or even take their pets for walk even in the snow and rain. I also thought you were very insightful in making the point that you think pets can understand the owner's feelings and thoughts. You gave a great personal example to illustrate that point.

I was surprised to hear that Golden Retrievers are becoming popular in Japan! You did a great job of explaining how special constraints

In talking about irresponsible pet owners, we can say People are irresponsible when they don't pick up after their dogs.

It was very interesting to hear your perspective on the cause of the abundance of stray cats in Japan. We can say that it is easy to sell only pure-bred cats and dogs to pet stores.

I especially liked your point that it is difficult, if not impossible to compare adopting a child in a developing country with adopting a pet. When we want to say that we can't fairly compare two things, we can say apples and oranges. I can't compare them.

Overall, it was a delight talking with you, Yoko, and I'm very impressed with your ability to express complex thoughts in English. I look forward to talking with you again soon!

All the best,

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