Lisa Wechsler 先生
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#9592 Lesson Schedule (Koji) 2005/01/20 14:08 [Reply]

Hello Lisa,

My name is Koji and I already registered your lesson on 2:00PM 1/22. I hope I could take one hour lesson, so if possible, I would like to have your lesson from 2:30PM 1/22 as well. I understand that the slot is not available now, but is it possible?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.



*9602 Re: Lesson Schedule (Lisa) 2005/01/21 03:45

Hi Koji:

It's great to hear from you. I would be delighted to conduct a second lesson with you as you request below. Since this is a special, last minute request, please contact Masafumi Otsuka about this at

Please also email me your resume at

Lisa Wechsler

> Hello Lisa,

My name is Koji and I already registered your lesson on 2:00PM 1/22. I hope I could take one hour lesson, so if possible, I would like to have your lesson from 2:30PM 1/22 as well. I understand that the slot is not available now, but is it possible?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.



#7511 Thanks a lot ! (Koichi) 2004/08/19 17:33 [Reply]

Hello Lisa,

I can get an job offer last week.
I really appreciate all interview lessons you have done for me!

I thank your kindness again !

I hope that I take your lesson in the near future!

Best regards,

*7527 Re: Thanks a lot ! (Lisa) 2004/08/20 22:35

Hi Koichi,

I am thrilled to hear this great news. Congratulations on your job offer. When will you begin? I look forward to hearing about how it goes! Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help you with in the future.

All the best,

> Hello Lisa,

I can get an job offer last week.
I really appreciate all interview lessons you have done for me!

I thank your kindness again !

I hope that I take your lesson in the near future!

Best regards,

#7029 about time schedule (Fumi) 2004/07/05 20:06 [Reply]

I could not see your convenient time for a class.

*7038 Re: about time schedule (Lisa) 2004/07/06 09:10

Hi FUmi,

It's nice to hear from you. When would you like to schedule a lesson? Please give me a few possible dates and times.


> I could not see your convenient time for a class.

#6867 Hello!(From Koichi) (Koichi) 2004/06/22 18:23 [Reply]

Hello Lisa,

Thank you for leaving your message in my answering machine yesterday. I am sorry that I was canceled your lesson because I had to attend emergency meeting. I hope that I take your lesson soon!

Koichi Naito

*6871 Re: Hello!(From Koichi) (Lisa) 2004/06/22 23:26

Hi Koichi,

Please don't worry about it. I understand that emergencies arise and we can't predict them. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


> Hello Lisa,

Thank you for leaving your message in my answering machine yesterday. I am sorry that I was canceled your lesson because I had to attend emergency meeting. I hope that I take your lesson soon!

Koichi Naito

#1654 Would it be possible? (Masumi) 2003/06/20 12:01 [Reply]

Hello Lisa.
I'm thiking of taking your Intensive Pronunciation Course.
Before I book this coure, could you give me this lesson in a free talk once? Would it be ok for you? I just want to know how it goes.

Thank you.

*1673 Re: Would it be possible? (Lisa) 2003/06/21 01:25

Dear Masumi,

It's great to hear from you. Of course, that would be fine. Please let me know your professional and personal interests so I can select articles that would be most interesting and appropriate for you.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

All the best,
Lisa Wechsler

> Hello Lisa.
I'm thiking of taking your Intensive Pronunciation Course.
Before I book this coure, could you give me this lesson in a free talk once? Would it be ok for you? I just want to know how it goes.

Thank you.

#983 Lesson Schedule Update (Lisa) 2003/04/09 08:12 [Reply]

I will be on a business trip through April 20. I look forward to resuming lessons when I return.

All the best,

#965 My Lesson Schedule (Lisa) 2003/04/08 07:20 [Reply]

I have an upcoming trip and will input new lesson times once my schedule becomes definite.


#734 3/20 (goro) 2003/03/17 14:26 [Reply]

Dear Lisa
Thanks for your reply. How about 7:30AM your time on 3/20 ? In addition to this, would it be possible for me to take your class on Saturday or Sunday ? If possible, I will book at 3/21 and 3/22. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,


*737 Re: 3/20 -> 3/21 (Sorry!!) (goro) 2003/03/17 18:47

Dear Lisa

I am available on 3/21 at 07:30 your time, NOT 3/20. Sorry for your inconvenience. Would it be possible to reschedule?

By the way, I was adviced to take a free lesson beforehand. So I would like to take 2 lesson on 3/21 as follows [1) will be a free lesson]:
1)9:30, 3/21(my time) : 19:30, 3/20(your time)
2)21:30, 3/21(my time): 07:30, 3/21(your time)

In the meantime, I will book the 1) only. After having your reply, I'll ask you the next lesson.

Sorry for your inconvenience, but I appreciate your kind help.

Best regards,

> Dear Lisa
Thanks for your reply. How about 7:30AM your time on 3/20 ? In addition to this, would it be possible for me to take your class on Saturday or Sunday ? If possible, I will book at 3/21 and 3/22. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,


*747 Re: 3/20 (Lisa) 2003/03/18 02:18

Dear Goro,

Sure, I will book that timeslot for you. Since my schedule is very busy lately, here is what I could add: a lesson at 6:30pm on Friday and a lesson at 9:00AM on Saturday. These are all EST (in my timezone.) (So, I believe that would be 8:30am on Saturday and 11:00PM on Saturday for you.) Please let me know if this would be convenient.


I could add 2 time slots for you on Saturday morning my time. Would a lesson from 9:00AM-9:50AM

> Dear Lisa
Thanks for your reply. How about 7:30AM your time on 3/20 ? In addition to this, would it be possible for me to take your class on Saturday or Sunday ? If possible, I will book at 3/21 and 3/22. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,


*749 Re: 3/20 (Lisa) 2003/03/18 02:43

Dear Goro,

Okay, the lesson you have booked and is fine with me is for 15 minutes:
1)9:30, 3/21(my time) : 19:30, 3/20(your time)

I would be glad to book this next time slot is for you:
2)21:30, 3/21(my time): 07:30, 3/21(your time)

We will surely get this schedule straightened out soon!


> Dear Lisa
Thanks for your reply. How about 7:30AM your time on 3/20 ? In addition to this, would it be possible for me to take your class on Saturday or Sunday ? If possible, I will book at 3/21 and 3/22. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,


#727 Lesson (3/17-3/21) (goro) 2003/03/16 16:14 [Reply]

Hello, Lisa-sensei.
I am planning to take your MBA essay lesson as a preparation for some scholarship programme. Would it be possible to take 3 lessons on someday during 3/17 - 3/21 ? I prefer midnight lesson (ex. 00:00-).

Please let me know your availability and how to proceed with the essay lessons.

Kind regards,

*733 Re: Lesson (3/17-3/21) (Lisa) 2003/03/17 07:35

Dear Goro,

It is wonderful to hear from you. As you may know from my profile on the Manabi website, I work at Duke University during the weekdays. Other than the times I have listed on the Manabi website, the only time slots I could add would be at 7:30AM my time. Please let me know if you are interested in that time slot any day this week.

Best regards,

> Hello, Lisa-sensei.
I am planning to take your MBA essay lesson as a preparation for some scholarship programme. Would it be possible to take 3 lessons on someday during 3/17 - 3/21 ? I prefer midnight lesson (ex. 00:00-).

Please let me know your availability and how to proceed with the essay lessons.

Kind regards,

#56 Lessons (Lisa) 2002/11/19 23:48 [Reply]

I will be unavailable for lessons from November 25-December 1. I look forward to speaking with you after then! Best wishes, Lisa

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